The Stud

Gocksta Stuteri

The stud is approx. 10 km from Västerås, which means that we are close to both post, airline and other logistics companies, it is a prerequisite for running a insemination station with good results for pregnancy.

At present, the stud has 65 stalls divided into two buildings, of which 16 stalls are foalingplaces and 10 stallion stalls. 

There are also two freerange on the farm, one of which accommodates about 20 foal / young horses and one that holds about 10 young horses. 

The horses have access to large paddocks, which are all close to the stable, and there's also small paddocks for mares who are coming just for a couple of days or for some reason can't go together with other horses. 

Insemination station  

The work at the station are begining immediately in the morning with the examination of all mares. 

The mares who will have "home" stallions will be inseminate the same day in the afternoon. 

Transport semen ordered and picked up at the post directly in the morning the following day. 

In order to serve the owners with good results, the stud has a good collaboration with the studveterinay. 

In our new fine insaminationplaces, there are places for three horses at the same time, which two of them have extra space for foals. 

There is also a small part right next to the inseminationplaces, where you can sit down with a newspaper and cup of coffee while we take care of your horse. 

You can also choose to have your horse stay with us during the season. Either during the day, until she's finished with insemination or until she's pregnant. 

Stallion Station

We are an EU approved semen station and receive stallions for freezing for export.

  • You can choose to have your stallion at our place during the season or the whole year. Contact Anne-Sophie for more information.
  • We receiving your stallion to teach for collect semen. 
  • We collect semen for frozen semen
  • We can also store the frozen semen.