Prices & Terms

Prices 2025 April - August

The prices are in SEK and the taxes are included.

Semin fee Fresh (AI)                                            5 000:-

Semin fee Transported chilled (TAI)                            6 250:-

Semin fee Frozen Opt. 1                                       5 625:- Per heat

Semin fee Frozen Opt. 2                                      11 000:- 2 heats


Single mare                                                     200:-/ started day

Mare with foal                                                 225:-/ started day

Just for the day                                              225:-


WTL Express Middle & South of Sweden                          1 050:-

WTL Express North of Sweden & Gotland                       1 400:-

Picking up the semen on the station           200:-

Frozen container                                         Contact us for more information


Pregnancy certificat                                    250:-

Treatments                                                   Invoiced afterwards


The vet starts examining the mares at 7.30 until about 10-11.00 every Monday, Wednesday and Friday throughout the season.

The semin fee and possibly stallion fee is invoiced when you have brought your mare for the first check and thus approved our conditions.

Other costs such as treatment of the mare, fees on another selected stallion and possibly sperm shipping is added.

The semin fee includes all ultrasound examinations before and during the insemination as well as 3 pregnancy checks. An additional fee will be charged for treatment in the event of a twin pregnancy.

Three (3) heats are included in the fee for AI and TAI. If your mare does't become pregnant during these, and you choose to continue, a new fee will be charged per heat (SEK 700 excl. VAT). Remember that these heats only apply to the current season.

For insemination with frozen semen (FAI), there are two options. Option 1 - applies to only 1 attempt, i.e. 1 heat. Should your mare not become pregnant during this attempt and you choose to continue, a new fee will apply to the option you choose.                                                                                                                                                     Option 2 - applies to 2 attempts, i.e. 2 heats. Should your mare not become pregnant on these, you have 1 heat for AI or TAI without extra semin fees (applies to the current season). However, a fee for the new stallion and possibly transport costs will be added. The veterinarian determines whether your mare is suitable for frozen semen.       When inseminating frozen semen, at least one bacterial sample and a uterine flush are always added.

For single ultrasound checks or extra pregnancy checks that are NOT included in the semin fee, this is charged additionally.

We do everything we can to get your mare pregnant and in some cases treatment is required. This is NOT included in the semin fee and is charged afterwards. As a rule, we always take a bacteriological sample from the uterus if your mare is not pregnant at the first attempt.

We do not guarantee that your mare will become pregnant!

The insemination season covers 7/4-22/8. All examinations beyond this period are billed extra.

We maintain all records via the StudIT journal system.

As a mare owner, you must make sure that your mare is healthy and disease-free before she comes to us.

Passport must always be left with the horse and we keep the passports in a locked filing cabinet.

The stall fee includes hay silage and oats. We do not arrange changing of blankets. We prefer that you take off the back shoes if the mare is to stay. Mares with back shoes are not allowed together with other horses! The halter is left on the horse, with markings, throughout its stay. If we/our farrier consider that your mare needs to be trimmed, this will take place and we will invoice you as the person responsible for payment for this service. All stalling takes place at the owner's own risk and we at the stud farm are not responsible if your mare or foal gets sick or hurt during their stay with us. Visits are at your own risk and Gocksta Stuteri cannot be held responsible for injuries/diseases to visitors, customers or horses. Nor for existing or damaged equipment, vehicles, etc.           Gocksta Stuteri, on the other hand, must be responsible for ensuring that the facility is in an acceptable condition. Should a veterinarian need to be called in case of injury/illness, this will also be invoiced to you as the person responsible for payment. Should your horse show an infectious disease, it will immediately be moved to isolation and you as the owner have the obligation to pick up the horse immediately.

We prefer that mare with foal only be stabled during the insemination period, when the mare and foal only get to go out alone for a few hours in a small paddock. We do NOT mix mares with foals.

Your mare is inseminated entirely at your expense and risk.

Gocksta Studeri entrusts all invoices to Söderblom's Factoring service and can only be paid to them with liberating effect.

You can also choose to pay with Swish on the spot.