Bravour 1197

Cornet Obolensky- Quattro B - Gershwin

Born 2006,  170 cm 

WFFS carrier

(to use Bravour you must have a negative WFFS test on our mare)

A-prem. in SWB

Also approved in OLD.


BRAVOUR´S first 3 year olds were shown in 2014 with a dazzling results and placed there father second only after Cardento on the father's score in showjumping! He became the best new stallion on the jump index ranking!

August 2010: At the 4 year old Quality Competition at Strömsholm Bravour got double qualification! First, he became the best jumping horse with 10-10 in jumping (10 8 8 8 10 10 - 9.20p) He also became the third best gaited horse with the score (10 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 - 8,13 ).


From an article in magazin "Tidningen Ridsport"

"9 stallionhints for 2018 -
Bravour, Index 136
Justification: An early son of Cornet Obolensky, made and bought way before the father participated in the Olympic Games and became famous, and for a long time was the only approved son in Sweden. 
The linear description shows the strong acquisition of positive jump properties on all parts of jump techniques, prepared with caution and rapid reaction."

Bravour is by Cornet Obolensky, one of Europe's superstallions who as 7 years old competed internationally. From the first crop of offspring by Cornet Obolensky 14 stallions were approved. Now, however, the number is even more when he is father of more than 30 approved sons. The offsprings get the highest scores in rideability, gaites and jumping ability.


The mother, Pocahontas is keur in Holland and was recorded in the pedigree already as 3 years old. She has three exported offspring, one to the United States, placed in the South Hampton finale, one to Jos Ceulemans in Belgium and Bravour to Sweden. 

Quattro B is the grandfather of Bravour and he competed international showjumping. He has 10 approved sons and in 2004 he had two offspring who were in the Olympic games; Quando Quando in dressage and Oliver Q in showjumping. R-G Bengtsson's Quanta Costa is also her b: Quattro B.

Bravour will be stationed in Gocksta Stuteri under the season.

Here's some of the offsprings by Bravour

Rihanna's Diamond K - Bravours first approved son from an outstanding dameline! He won the Breeders Trophy for 4 years old and also the Stallion Trophy at Flyinge 2021.

Sienna SN -  a mare who Stephanie Holmén compete with and have started up to 140 cm in international showjumping.  

Amour SA - was the most expensive horse on Sweden Selected Hose Sales in 2018 and now he is at Alexander Zetteramans stables i France.

Beginning - have competed upp to 145 cm showjumping with Piia Pantsu Jönsson

The list can be very long with promesing young horses and it shows thar he inherits the good jumping technique.